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Scientists Reveal the 300 Million Year Old Secret of the Great Lakes

Did you know that the Great Lakes, holding about 21 percent of the world’s fresh surface water, owe their existence to a geological hotspot active 300 million years ago? Or that this ancient Cape Verde hotspot beneath Pangaea set the foundation for one of the planet’s most vital freshwater systems? In this video, we explore the groundbreaking research published in Geophysical Research Letters that uncovers how the hotspot’s thermal influence created low-lying basins later sculpted by glaciers during the last Ice Age.

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 – Intro
00:52 – The Hidden Fire Beneath
03:11 – From Pangaea to Present
05:46 – Glaciers at Work
08:28 – Modern Impacts
11:28 – Echoes of the Past
14:11 – Outro

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Discover the intricate interplay between deep Earth processes and surface events that formed the majestic Great Lakes, essential for ecosystems and human populations today. Whether you’re a geology enthusiast or curious about natural history, join us to unravel the 300-million-year-old secret behind North America’s iconic freshwater reservoirs.

Scientists Reveal the 300 Million Year Old Secret of the Great Lakes