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Best Things to Do in Belize

With it’s dense jungle and Caribbean shoreline, the Central American nation of Belize is an exotic location that’s unlike any other! Though the nation is inarguably best known for the impressive scuba-diving opportunities that it offers visitors, scuba diving is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the amazing things you can do in Belize. From scuba diving within the world’s second-largest coral reef to checking out the unique wildlife at the Belize Zoo, join ViewCation as we explore the best things to do in Belize.

Scuba Dive in the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System

If you’ve taken an interest in travelling to Belize because you’re an avid scuba diver, chances are you’re already well aware of the second-largest coral reef in the world! This, of course, would be the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System, which is colloquially referred to as the Great Mayan Reef. No scuba diver should go their lives without getting the opportunity to swim through the Great Mayan Reef, and it’s no wonder that the reef has helped make the nation of Belize one of the most ventured-to tourist destinations out there.

Some of the many sea creatures that you’ll get the opportunity to see while scuba diving through this impressive coral reef include sea turtles and whale sharks. There’s also the immense beauty of the underwater fauna comprising the reef, with it’s otherworldly array of colors. Whether you’re an experienced scuba diver or not, you’ll certainly be compelled to try it out once you’ve found yourself in the nation of Belize!

Spend Some Time Relaxing on Caye Caulker

Besides it’s massively impressive coral reef, the Central American nation of Belize is also widely known for it’s stunning variety of cayes. One of the most popular of all the cayes within the greater island nation of Belize is Caye Caulker, which has come to be known for it’s quiet and secluded atmosphere in comparison to other tourist-friendly locations throughout the nation. If you’re looking to make your stay in Belize as peaceful as possible, taking a journey out to Caye Caulker should be seen as a great place to start.

Caye Caulker has plenty of coast along it’s eastern side, and tourists can waste away the days relaxing without much besides the sound of the ocean to bother them. The small island is also filled with a variety of eateries offering some local flavor that visitors will greatly appreciate. One of the most popular locations on Caye Caulker is what is known as “the Split”, which is a location where the island was split in two by a hurricane during the 1960s. The little body of water that was created as a result is recognized today as a popular location for scuba diving, and also features a nice pier.

Go Snorkeling in Shark Ray Alley

If you’ve already gone scuba diving in the Great Mayan Reef and the Split but don’t feel totally satisfied, you might want to venture over to Shark Ray Alley! Located along the shores of Ambergris Caye, which is Belize’s largest island, Shark Ray Alley is arguably the most impressive part of the Hol Chan Marine Reserve. The name of the location stems from it’s abundance of both sharks and stingrays, and they’re safe to swim with! There are plenty of snorkeling tours held for tourists who want to swim with these stunning sea creatures, and doing so will provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Marvel at the Great Blue Hole

Another location within the Central American nation of Belize that has become incredibly popular with scuba-diving tourists is the Great Blue Hole, which is a giant marine sinkhole just off of it’s coast. While this sinkhole is understandably popular with divers, it’s hard to really appreciate the magnitude of the Great Blue Hole without seeing it from the sky. Because of this, taking scenic flights over the sinkhole has become an incredibly popular pastime amongst tourists in the region.

Visit Laughing Bird Caye National Park

Laughing Bird Caye is one of the many cayes that can be found off the coast of Belize, but this one is notable in that it was granted national park status in 1991. The island’s name comes from the fact that it was once widely populated by laughing gulls, which are birds that sound like they’re laughing when they give their signature call. These laughing gulls are no longer around like they used to be, but that doesn’t make this beautiful caye any less rewarding to visit.

Laughing Bird Caye is located just off the coast of Placencia, which is a popular beach-resort village. The main draw of Laughing Bird Caye National Park is that it’s national-park status means that the land is relatively unspoiled, providing one of the most stunning getaways that visitors to Belize are likely to find. The island is only a little less than two acres.

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Go Exploring in the Rio Frio Cave

If you’re looking for some awesome scenery in Belize that you don’t have to get wet to check out, the Rio Frio Cave may be the perfect fit! The Rio Frio Cave is located within the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Reserve, which itself is located on the western side of the nation. The Rio Frio Cave has come to be known as one of the most accessible caves in the region, and the fact that it’s dry means that you don’t have to submerge yourself underwater in order to see it.

The Rio Frio Cave is one of the few dry caves that can be found throughout the entirety of Belize, which makes it fairly special. Visitors enter the limestone cave through a 65-foot arch and are then treated to some of the most staggering rock formations in the world. The cave also has historical importance, as many believe the Rio Frio Cave to have been used by the ancient Mayan people as a place for burials.

The theory that the Rio Frio Cave used to be a sacred burial site for the Mayan people didn’t come from nothing, as there have been a few notable relics from the ancient culture found by archaeologists exploring the cave. Despite this, Rio Frio Cave remains more popular with tourists for it’s natural beauty, and few are aware of the cave’s cultural significance. There’s a small river going through the cave, and visitors can follow it all the way through to the end for a short hike.

Visit the Ancient City of Caracol

If you’re interested in seeing more relics from Belize’s ancient Mayan culture, you may want to check out the city of Caracol. Caracol stands today as a large archaeological site, and it’s an incredibly popular location with tourists! The city has come to be known as one of the most finely preserved archaeological sites in the entirety of the nation, and visiting the site will provide tourists with an unmatched experience.

The ancient Mayan city of Caracol is located within the Chiquibul Forest Reserve. Archaeologists have been able to deduce that the city was once home to nearly 200,000 ancient people, and numerous pyramids still stand today.

Attend the Belize Lobster Festival

Belize is a nation that has come to be known for it’s seafood, and it takes it pretty seriously. Every year, the Belize Lobster Festival is held at three different locations through the nation, with those locations being San Pedro, Caye Caulker, and Placencia. While the festival that is held at Placencia is arguably the biggest of the three, each of the festivals will provide a bounty of local culture to visiting tourists.

The three different versions of the festival are held at slightly different times of the year, though always during the summer months. This sadly means that not everyone visiting the Central American nation of Belize will get the opportunity to check out the Belize Lobster Festival. However, if you find yourself in Belize during a time when a version of the festival is being held nearby, you certainly won’t want to miss it!

Of course, the main draw of the Belize Lobster Festival is the lobster, which is served in a variety of different dishes, some of which are unique to the culture. However, once you’ve filled up on lobster, there’s plenty at the Belize Lobster Festival that will be able to keep you entertained! The Belize Lobster Festival is like one big party, with drinks and music.

Visit the Cahal Pech Maya Ruin

Another notable archaeological site located within the Central American nation of Belize is the Cahal Pech Mayan Ruin. This ruin is located only a short distance from the town of San Ignacio, which means that it’s a good deal easier to access than the aforementioned archaeological site of Caracol. However, visitors should know that Cahal Pech is not nearly as large or impressive. Still, whether you’ve simply found yourself nearby or are making an effort to see as much of the ancient Mayan culture as possible while visiting the nation of Belize, exploring Cahal Pech is certainly a treat.

As compared to the ancient city of Caracol, which housed nearly 200,000 people during ancient times, archaeologists estimate that Cahal Pech was home to only around 10,000 occupants. The location was popular amongst traders.

Check Out the Wildlife at the Belize Zoo

If you’re looking to check out a wide array of unique wildlife in one accessible location, you won’t want to pass up the opportunity to visit the Belize Zoo. The zoo was started up in the 1980s and has since grown to feature a staggering away of wildlife, much of which you won’t be able to see the likes of anywhere else! Besides the uniqueness of it’s creatures, another appealing aspect of the Belize Zoo is the fact that the majority of these creatures were rescued. This is a zoo that promotes conservation, which is a welcome change.

With all of the awesome things to do for tourists, visiting the Central American nation of Belize should be considered a must! Now it’s time to hear from you: did you know that the Central American nation of Belize is home to the second-largest coral reef in the world, and that there’s a massive sinkhole just off it’s coast that can be seen from the sky? As always, like this video to show your support, and subscribe and hit the notification bell if you’d like to be among the first to know when more ViewCation videos are on their way!