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Best Cities to Live in Around the World (for Expats)

While plenty of people are content to live out their days living in the country in which they were born, many others are looking to move locales. Perhaps they are sick of their home country, or it doesn’t have certain things they are looking for in a permanent home. Or perhaps it’s more about what some other countries and cities can offer. Regardless of the reason, if you’re looking for a new place to call home, it might feel daunting to choose from the hundreds of cities and thousands of towns around the globe. Fortunately, there are a bevy of incredible places around the world where expats can settle down and make a home. If you’re contemplating a move abroad, but not sure where your next stop should be, then you’re in the right place. In this video, we go over our picks for the top places for expats to live. Stick around, as Viewcation presents: The Best Cities to Live in Around the World (for Expats.)

Valencia, Spain

Valencia is third in Spain in terms of population, so anyone looking for an urban area with a nice amount of suburban sprawl will be pleased with what it has to offer. It has about 1.6 million people living in the city proper and the surrounding communities. It’s set on the Iberian Peninsula, on the east coast. It topped the list of the 50 best cities for expats, offering a very livable setting that’s surprisingly affordable. It also is said to have some of the friendliest people around, so you’ll likely getting settled quickly and start making friends. The public transportation in Valencia is cheap, and it offers a lot of easy opportunities for recreation and sports. Reportedly around 92% of expats from around the globe who live in Valencia report feeling safe in the area, which is higher than many cities around the globe. One drawback of Valencia is that it doesn’t rank as high in the “Working Abroad Index.” Overall the job market and opportunities aren’t nearly as high as some of the other places we’ll talk about in this video, and more than half of the expats living there have reported the job market as being generally negative. But the affordability and ease of living in Valencia often makes up for the lack of job opportunities. If you have a solid career going already, or you are retiring, Valencia offers a fantastic place to live.

Dubai, UAE

Dubai is one of the two major cities in the United Arab Emirates, and boasts the largest population there. It’s the capial of the Emirate of Dubai. While throughout history Dubai was an unassuming city that mainly hosted fisherman and their families. But in the last century it has rapidly expanded to become one of the biggest hotspots on the globe. It has completely shifted its focus to tourism and luxury living, and thus attracts the rich and famous from all over the globe. It’s location also means it’s become a major hub of transportation, both for people and cargo alike. Around 3.5 million people live in Dubai, so if you’re looking for a quiet and sparsely populated place to relocate to, this is not going to be your spot. But for so many other reasons, it might be a perfect place to move to. Expats who live there have reported that it’s a great city when it comes to relationships with the local authorities, which potentially eases a concern some might have about moving to this part of the world. There is also great access to government services, which is no surprise, given how much money is flowing in Dubai! Expats also report having an excellent social life and feeling generally welcome in the city. The nightlife and the culture rank high on the list of cities for expats, coming it at 5th. It also ranks highly when it comes to options for dining. It also places 6th when it comes to the overall working abroad index. The job culture and overall happiness levels of people at their jobs in Dubai is generally reported as quite high.

Mexico City, Mexico

Mexico City is not only the biggest city in Mexico, it has the highest population of any city in North America. It boasts over 9 million people living in the city proper, with more than 21 million people when you expand out to the greater Mexico City area. It sits at a high altitude of 7350 feet above sea level. So as long as you’re ok living in a place with a ton of people and slightly thinner air than you might be used to, you’re good to go. And you won’t have a hard time getting acclimated to the city in general, considering it rates number one for expats in terms of getting easily settled in. People who move to Mexico city rate it highly for things like friendliness of the locals, feeling welcome, and feeling at home. It’s also a place that ranks high for general financial situation for expats living there, and this includes good availability for jobs. Housing is listed as generally easy to find and fairly affordable. So you might think it’s a perfect place to move to. But Mexico City does have some potentially serious drawbacks, notably when it comes to crime. 33% of people report being not happy with their level of personal safety in the city. And there are also a lot of people who complain about the general environment and climate. But if you can get past the potential smog and threat of crime, Mexico City is a great place to live, work, and settle into!

Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is the biggest city in Portugal, and this coastal paradise is a very popular spot for expats from all over the world. It has a population of around 540,000 people, though when you expand to the surrounding area, that number jumps to around 2.7 million. It’s a premiere European city and is known for being a hub of commerce, trade, arts, entertainment, and much more.  It ranks quite high in the index for quality of life, and expats report being thrilled with things like its temperate climate, as well as the nightlife and its overall culture. There’s also a high percentage of expats who report feeling safe in Lisbon, and it also ranks high amongst cities in terms of the east of settling in. People who move there generally find it to be easy to find work, as well as a social life. One drawback that expats report is that the wages aren’t as competitive in the work force as other European cities. But the cost of living is such that people still manage to feel like they have enough disposable income. Another drawback to the working aspect in Lisbon is that a higher percentage of expats feel that the move has not helped their overall career as much as reported in other cities. But given the multitude of positive aspects, you can easily see why Lisbon is one of the top spots in the world for expats to move to!

Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok is the biggest city in Thailand, as well as the capital. There are 10 million people who live there, making it quite the crowded city. But that also gives Bangkok a vibrant and lively feel. Over the last few decades, it has become a hub for finance, transportation, and commerce in the region. It’s also a place known worldwide for its many cultural and historical landmarks, making it a very popular place for both tourists and expats alike. In terms of personal finances, Bangkok ranks quite high for expats. The city is quite affordable, both in terms of goods and housing. And housing it quite easy to find, despite its large population. On the flip side, Bangkok doesn’t rank as highly when it comes to both work culture and work satisfaction. It also doesn’t rank well for helping expats further their career. It also lacks in overall quality of life, primarily because expats find it to feel less safe than other major cities, as well as feeling the instability of the government. It also ranks low in environmental and climate concerns, given its poor air quality. But if you can look past these drawbacks, Bangkok is a thrilling place to live. It has incredible food options, culture, history, and more. That’s why it’s considered a top place for expats to move to!

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne is the second most populous city in Australia, sitting at around 5 million people. It’s also a place with a ton of cultural landmarks and history, making it a popular place for both tourists and expats. Melbourne is a great spot for expats looking for a healthy work and life balance. It’s also a great spot for people looking to expand their career. Plus, expats report being paid fairly at their jobs. Housing can be tricky to find, which is a definite drawback. Plus, when you do find it, it’s more pricy than other places on this list. It’s also a place where expats report a lower level of personal finance success. But Melbourne performs well in the category of settling in easy, as well as acclimating to the local culture. It also is at the top of the list for things like quality of life, recreation, and air quality.

These are just a sampling of the many places for expats to live all over the globe. But they are a great starting point if you’re looking to find a new place to call home. Now it’s time to hear from you! Have you ever visited any of these places? Have you ever considered moving to any of them? Let us know in the comments section below!

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