Traveling abroad is one of life’s pleasures. It costs a lot of money to do so, though! You have to pay for flights, accommodation, and a few more things, including your passport.
We’re going to explain everything you need to know about passports. How much does it cost to get a passport?, how you can rush the process, and more. Find out down below!
How much does it cost to get a passport?
People younger than 16 years old
Adults applying for children have to pay $100 for a passport book, $15 for a passport card, and $115 for both. At the same time, they have to pay an acceptance fee of $35. So, for a passport book, the total is $135; for a passport card, $50; for both, $150.
You have to apply in person for a child’s passport. That means you have to go alongside your child to apply.
People older than 16 years old
The fees are similar for adults. People applying for the first time have to pay $35 as well. Those renewing their passport only have to pay for what they want. Adult passport cards are worth $135, and passport cards are worth $30. Both of them cost $160.
An adult applying for a passport card for the first time has to pay $170. If that same person is renewing their passport card, he only has to pay $135.
How can I pay for my passport?
You can pay using a credit card, check, cash, and pretty much every other valid way of payment – depending on how you decide to get your passport.
Every payment method is available for people who apply or renew at a passport agency. At the same time, people doing the same via mail cannot pay online (which rules out credit cards). Something similar happens to those who apply at the Post Office, the library, and similar places.
Make sure you find how you can pay for your passport before you decide how you’ll apply!
Is there a flat fee I have to pay for my passport?
People getting their passports for the first time have to pay $30. This is known as the execution fee. It’s a one time thing.
Other than that, there are no flat fees you have to pay for your passport. The amount you pay depends on your age and how fast you want the delivery of your passport to be.
For example, someone older than 16 years old who wants an expedited passport process will have to pay $130 (passport) plus $60 (rush order). If they’re getting their passport for the first time, they’ll have to pay an extra $30 (acceptance fee).
At what age are passports free?
You have to pay for your passport no matter how young or old you are. People under 16 years old will pay a smaller fee than adults but still have to pay. No person will get a free passport because of their age.
There are some exceptions for people who don’t have to pay (including working for the Department of State and similar) that we’ll talk about down below.
Other countries may issue passports for free for infants or offer discounts for the elderly. The United States makes no such distinctions other than under and over 16 years old – and everyone has to pay.
Can I get my passport for free?
You may get your passport for free if you meet any of the requirements for a no-fee passport. The most common one is working for the US government abroad or depending of someone who is currently living in that situation. You may also be exempt from paying the passport fee under US law. Someone traveling abroad in honor of a deceased member of the Armed Forces is exempt from payment.
More likely than not, you will have to pay the full fee. Exemptions are few and far between – and it’s not common for someone to be eligible to get their passport for free without knowing.
Will passport prices go up in the future?
There’s no way to know for sure – but another passport price increase is not unlikely. They became a little more expensive in 2021. We may see another price increase sooner than we expect.
As people start to renew their passports (after the pandemic starts to disappear from our lives), the high demand for this kind of document may be too much to keep them at the same price.
At the same time, inflation is rising. This issue may result in a price increase in things necessary to make passports as well as wages in the public sector. Both of these things could affect the price of passports soon.
Why are passports so expensive?
The expensive nature of passports happens because of two things: first, inflation; second, the security measures behind each document.
The US passport is one of the safest documents in the world. Making sure every passport is up to that standard costs a lot of money – and that’s why you have to pay more than $100 to get yours.
There’s also another issue: Inflation. Prices are going up in all areas of life – and passports are no exception.
It’s also more expensive than usual if you’re in any kind of a rush. People who can afford to be patient will pay a little less in comparison.
What documents do I need to get a passport?
You will need a few personal documents, a passport photo, proof of payment, and filing an application to get your passport.
Personal documents include proof of citizenship, a photo ID, and front and back photocopies of these two documents.
You can fill out the passport application online or do so by hand. Either way, it’s valid (as long as you fill it out before getting or renewing your passport).
At the same time, make sure you have paid for the passport already. Another important thing to keep in mind is to get the right picture for your passport. It should be a clear picture with a white background taken by someone else (no selfies) in the last six months.
How long does it take to get your passport?
The passport renewal process will take up to eleven weeks. On average, it takes seven weeks. People getting their passports for the first time will also have to face a similar time frame.
You can expedite the passport process for $60. If you decide to pay, you will have to wait up to seven weeks for your passport card. In a best case scenario, you’ll get it in five weeks.
Unfortunately, you can’t get your passport any faster than that under normal circumstances. There are life or death and urgent travel scenarios we’ll discuss below.
How long will my passport last?
Adult citizens will have a valid passport for ten years. Anyone younger than 16 years old will have a valid passport for five years. You can board any international flight as long as your passport is valid.
Make sure you plan any renewal ahead of time. The renewal process can take up to eleven weeks – and that could become problematic if you’re planning a long trip with a soon-to-expire passport.
Nevertheless, you can board a plane with your passport no matter how close the expiration date is. You may find trouble when it’s time to come home if you don’t have a valid passport.
Can I rush my passport process?
You have to wait up to eleven weeks to get your passport. There are different ways to expedite this process. You can pay an extra $60 to get it under seven weeks. You may get it in less than a week under extreme situations (such as life or death and urgent travel).
People in life or death situations (as well as urgent travel scenarios) have to consult the US Travel website to see what number to call to book a short notice appointment.
Everyone else can expedite their process for $60. You can also pay for faster shipping for $18.
Can I get a new passport if I’m overseas?
You can renew your passport overseas as long as your passport book or card isn’t damaged in any shape or form and you’re planning to return to the United States with said passport. You can’t renew your passport if you plan to embark on an international flight.
A final requirement is to have the passport with you. You can’t get a new passport overseas if you lost the one you had.
It’s important to note that this renewal takes 10 to 12 weeks. You can request it at the nearest American embassy.
What’s the difference between a passport book and a passport card?
There are several differences between a passport book and a card. You probably think about a passport book when you think about a passport. The book allows you to do many more things than a card – but, unfortunately, it’s a little more expensive.
A passport card costs $50 for children and $60 for adults. It’s also similar to a credit card in shape. The card is also limited: you can only use it to enter America via Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean.
Passport books are more expensive, bulkier, and allow you to come and go as you please (as long as you follow the law).